Trouba controversial hits and captaincy are part of what makes him a critical cog for the NY Rangers.
Controversial Trouba hits and captaincy are part of what makes him a critical cog for the NY Rangers.

Jacob Trouba is hurt. It’s been speculated, but now it is confirmed by Gerard Gallant. Trouba is hurt, and it’s why he’s been missing practices for over a month now. This is a disturbing confirmation, because it all but confirms that the Rangers won’t let Trouba heal by giving him a few games off.

It’s November! The Rangers need to let Trouba heal. There is no value in having him play through his injury, especially when he’s been a liability on the ice and not his normal self. Say what you want about Trouba being the captain and his contract, it’s clear he’s not playing to his ability because of the injury.

Hockey players love to play through injuries, but there comes a time when a coach or a team needs to tell that player to take a day off. The Rangers need to let Trouba heal, and if that means taking a game or two off, so be it. Libor Hajek has been serviceable, and the two games against Ottawa are the best time for this to happen.

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