hartford wolf pack providence bruins

As Greg McKegg continues his absence due to COVID protocol, the Hartford Wolf Pack game on Wednesday has been postponed for the same reason.

It seems like it is only a matter of time until we start seeing more Rangers in COVID protocol. Between the Wolf Pack, the Islanders (Rangers played them Wednesday), and now Bruce Cassidy of the Bruins (Rangers played them Friday) being in COVID protocol, we are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Hopefully it doesn’t.

Yet again, another Gary Bettman lie, that the league is “99% vaccinated.” From Johns Hopkins, the COVID breakthrough rate of infection among fully vaccinated is about 1%. The NHL is either a severe statistical outlier, or they flat out lied that 99% of the league is vaccinated.

Given the mumps outbreak of yesteryear, I think we know the answer.

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