phil di giuseppe

The last skater report card belongs to Phil Di Giuseppe. Di Giuseppe did everything he was expected of this season, playing in 31 games and putting up 1-7-8 in that span. Over 82 games, that is a 2-18-20 pace, which actually isn’t too shabby for a 13F who, by the end of the season, wasn’t playing much. He needed the entire roster to get hurt before he was put back in the lineup in May.

Note from Dave: I’m aware that comments aren’t loading at the moment. In all fairness, I should have noticed sooner. As I’m sure you noticed we switched over to a new design with some subtle changes. My goal is to first get comments up and running – unfortunately it wasn’t as simple as I thought. This should be up and running today. That’s the big one. After that, there are a few little kinks here and there. I’m relying on you all fine people here to point out little things that are wonky. Insert joke about comments need to work first.

On-ice impacts

No one is going to confuse Di Giuseppe with Connor McDavid. But no one is asking to make that comparison. The net-17% negative impact on offense isn’t overly surprising for Di Giuseppe. He was used in a fourth line role with less than stellar offensive players. That’s fine, that was his role. His 9% positive defensive impact shows he performed very well within his role. This holds especially true when he spent most of his time with Brett Howden and Kevin Rooney.

Di Giuseppe’s xGAR chart is an almost mirror image of his shot heatmaps, showing consistency that he was all defense and no offense. Given the role he put in by David Quinn, he did a fantastic job, quite frankly. In fact, there’s an argument that his defensive numbers should be better, given that his GAR is lower than his xGAR. Offensively, of course, he was a black hole. At least this year.

Final grade

Di Giuseppe is a solid defensive NHLer, and on a team that didn’t struggle to create chances, he’d likely have better offensive numbers. As a 13F with a specific role, he performed very well given the role and the expectations. There isn’t much more to ask for from Di Giuseppe.

Phil Di Giuseppe 2021 Report Card Grade: B

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