Photo: Al Bello/Getty Images

Photo: Al Bello/Getty Images

Last night I wasn’t able to watch and Pat wasn’t able to cover the goal breakdown. So that meant it was a perfect time for another Twitter breakdown of the game. It was a little tougher to get replies, since it was a Saturday night and apparently people have these things called “social lives’.

So I was just wondering how the game went, and some were unsure. Despite the score.

Others were much more confident of their play and three game winning streak.

Then there was the realist of the bunch.

Then others stated the obvious.

Some were doubting the results if the starting netminder were playing. But I don’t know who Corey Price is.

But others knew the Montreal killer was in town.

While others recognize Montreal’s greatest flaw.

I translated this to “Montreal doesn’t hockey well.”

But in the end, the Rangers won. Boogie!



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